*+-1 In some ways I’ve become my mother. I feel her face in my face. Her expressions. I’ve outlived her. I might be off by a few months. Her yartzeit is next month. She died during a leap year, a year when there were two Adars (Adar is the Hebrew […]
Monthly Archives: February 2024
*+-Chiron square Sun, Chiron opposite Sun, Chiron conjunct Sun. I’m not going to make a distinction between these three in this blog post, but I can tell you that Chiron has been squaring my Sun for a while now (I stopped counting for how long) *and* I have this in […]
*+-Thinking about playing cards with my niece and how I don’t care who wins or loses. I mean, I don’t care if I win. It’s not so much a game of brains but quick reflexes. It’s late on a Friday night and occasionally I rise to the occasion to see […]
*+-Today on the phone with a client, right before we hang up, I tell her if I don’t adjust the blinds, I’ll have ten construction guys looking in my window, that’s how close they were. She said to me, “Well, you can give them a show.” I laughed, making the […]
*+-It’s Pisces Season now and Mercury enters Pisces this week too, but you know what? It’s ALWAYS Aquarius Season for the next twenty years because Pluto is in Aquarius (except for another quick dip into previous sign Capricorn this year for a few months). Pisces Season. What does it mean to […]
*+-I know we call the 12th House the secret place and it’s not untrue, but I think we don’t talk enough about the pain of the 6th House so in that sense it’s a secret. Off the top of my head: daily routines, work, health, pets (small animals), the Virgo […]
*+-So you could experience another reversal, another last minute switcheroo, curveball. Tomorrow, Mercury squares Uranus (and Venus enters Aquarius, joining the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto). That’s a lot of energy in one part of your chart. But about Mercury square Uranus (and yes this is a genius aspect in […]
*+-You want to know what Chiron in Aries is about? I’ll tell you. Chiron in Aries = it’s hard (Chiron) to be brave (Aries). There’s a kink in the machine, a snag. You want to ride off into the sunset but instead you linger, you question, you Hamlet. You get […]
*+-I was in the library and working on a new book proposal, before class, but needed to tear myself away and stretch my legs and get a decaf and some fresh air, something. I needed something. And there’s this church around the corner and they had a sign that one […]
*+-I need new music. I need new music for this life I’m in now, and it’s not that I have music on all the time, but a lot of the time. There’s writing music and walking music and housework music, and I’ve changed so much that the old music is… […]
*+-Things are… a little weird. Not weird bad. Just weird. And this morning I realized that I called a client BY THE WRONG NAME. How Freudian-slip of me. I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I may mispronounce a name on occasion but a differently name entirely? That’s weird. I […]