*+-Commit or quit. This is on my mind today. So I started to write a new book. Actually a book proposal. For a book. And I sent it to one agent and I think she didn’t really feeeeeeeeeel the material and this happened yesterday under THIS SKY and I really […]
mars conjunct saturn
*+-The New Moon this weekend is at 26 degrees Pisces so it’s time to check your chart and think about what this could mean for you. Something new? Ordinary New Moons are ordinary New Moons. Sometimes they fit a pattern that’s easy to see and sometimes… who knows? Nevertheless, it’s […]
*+-New Moon in Leo at 10 degrees this Tuesday. That morning MARS ENTERS SAGITTARIUS. This has been a long time coming, a really long story. Half a year. Long enough for me. A lifetime. So much has happened since January 2016. Even though Mars is still in its “shadow” on […]
*+-Mars goes DIRECT on Wednesday in Scorpio at 23 degrees (does this aspect your chart?) and this has been THE most important transit of 2016 so far. More important than the Saturn Neptune square in my (humble?) opinion. Mars first entered Scorpio back in early January of this year, moving through […]