*+-How’s your Mercury retrograde going? Any revelations? Any blasts from the past? Whatever happens during the retrograde might be a rectification. It might be a review or a redo or a renew and all this redoing and reviewing and renewing is good for you. And I’ll tell you something else: […]
Monthly Archives: April 2023
*+-I know I need to say a quick hello. The blog is still a good way for us to keep in touch. Of course if you are a client or just like my stuff, check out my Patreon. There’s more stuff there and it’s the stuff that I don’t share […]
*+-This eclipse is a hot one. A Pluto in Aquarius eclipse. And it could be more breakthrough than breakdown for you. It could be. And it could be exhausting. Get your eclipse prep ready. Maybe you need a bottle of red wine. Maybe you need two. Maybe you need a […]
*+-We’ve had two weeks off from school and I haven’t liked it one bit. Too many ruptures. Too many truths. It’s eclipse season, after all. We start to put the pieces together. We start to see what might fall. AND ALLERGY SEASON. Was it Friday that I was literally sneezing […]
*+-It’s hard to be so unpleasant. This is what I think when I reflect upon today’s meeting with my analyst. But it’s about me. I’m the unpleasant one. And then I think: I don’t want this job. And then I think: keep going. Finish your studies and your training and […]
*+-I feel like I went through something very dark, and it’s not done yet. Can you relate? You feeling this? The first of our 2023 Eclipses is next week. NEXT WEEK. And then we have another one early May. I’m sparing you the dates and times and signs and details […]