*+-Finally a transit for the WRITERS, big words, a lot of words. Jupiter expands what it touches and Gemini is the words, the writing, writers. THE MIND. Gemini is associated with Mercury and Jupiter with Sagittarius and put these two together (Jupiter in Gemini) and you get… words that will […]
jupiter trine pluto
*+-1 Think back to 2012/2013. What stands out to you about your own life? That’s the last time Jupiter was in Gemini. In 2011, I launched my astrology “career.” By “launch” I mean that I started this blog and started tweeting and by career I mean I went from being […]
*+-Time to write. It’s the most important thing I do. Someone told me yesterday that they love my blog and it made me feel good. I hope you get a message that makes you feel good today. Oh and for those of you who love the writing, please know I […]
*+-The expansion this week is not sooo comfortable. I’m not bringing you bad news but the expansion this week is not so comfortable and it’s a repeater. Repeat people. Repeat scene. Venus is retrograde, remember. All kinds of do-overs. Jupiter will square Pluto again and Jupiter is retrograde as well […]
*+-I wrote about the New Moon in Taurus yesterday and then I deleted it. I didn’t like the blog post. It felt empty. And then this morning I went for my walk and realized the depth of the New Moon in Taurus for me and perhaps others — It isn’t […]
*+-Mercury is retrograde. Mars is retrograde. Saturn and Pluto retrograde. Even Jupiter is retrograde, but goes direct next week. And in the midst of the review, delay, and malaise or however you are experiencing this time, stagnation or relaxation or a little of both, we have Sun, Venus, and Mercury […]
*+-What’s the best we can hope for about tomorrow – the second Jupiter Pluto trine – this time with Jupiter retrograde. Jupiter rules things like hope– but Virgo prides herself on hope reduction, sticking to the (supposed) facts. The retrograde also lessens Jupiter’s scope. So? What’s the best we can […]
*+-The radio show, if my proposal is approved, will be a metaphysical radio show (on paranormal internet radio) full of astrology and tarot — and magic and magick… but I also want it to be safe for poets. Returning to my roots… Making the world safe for poets one second […]