*+-Grief is so hard because people don’t wanna hear about it, mental health “professionals” included. They will try to talk you out of it, out of your feelings, offer platitudes, stupidities. Well-meaning friends will assume you haven’t found God or your potential. There are all kinds of ways to invalidate […]
Monthly Archives: May 2023
*+-It’s been such an honor to do this work. It’s always been more than “chart reading.” I don’t even like doing natal chart readings. What I like and what I do… it’s always been deeper. There are some clients I’ve been working with since… 2011/2012. I’m so much older than […]
*+-I need to write another book. There are a few things I need. I’m not sure a Substack is one of them, but a German shepherd might be. I actually started a new book but before I even started it (slowly writing the introduction to it, for a book proposal) […]
*+-It’s shocking to me to look in the mirror and see my maternal grandmother’s face staring back at me. I think this is her nose. Is this her nose? Please, Bubby, come take it back, retrieve it. It doesn’t quite fit my face. Thus goes my morning panic which has […]
*+-This morning I realized I was doing it all wrong, that I had put all my eggs in one basket or the wrong basket and I realized I was doing it all wrong. Doing my life wrong. Can you relate? This figure of speech, this eggs idiom is probably familiar […]
*+-I’ve got all these decisions to make. Or maybe it’s just one decision, and I’m more open on my Patreon than I used to be. My boundaries are less rigid. Used to be a time I wouldn’t accept a gift from a client. For most of my career I was […]
*+-Crossroads can be frightening. Something about the summer, its slowness. And it’s not even summer yet. We’re in Gemini Season. We had our eclipses. We’ll have more in the fall. Now it’s the in-between time. Today’s Sun Saturn square feels like a shadow. Don’t blame yourself if you can’t get […]
*+-I’ve been blogging for over a decade (wow) although I deleted years of blog posts a few months ago. And I just heard the news that the legendary Tina Turner (a Sagittarius) has died and I’m looking at the class options for fall 2023 as I continue my psychoanalytic training […]
*+-I feel haunted by Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, one of the many analyst-writers I had the privilege to read this semester and it’s the end of the semester although I still have one more short paper to write. I’m not quite at the end of my life, but I have already outlived […]