*+-It’s like an exorcism, Childbirth? It’s like everything coming out of you, violently. Everything coming out of you that NEEDS to come out, must come out. That’s what transformation (the hard transits) feels like. But the eclipses can feel like that too and we have two eclipses on the way. […]
Monthly Archives: April 2022
*+-Transformation can be ugly and not everyone has the stomach for it but I kinda feel that when it’s knocking on the door, you have to answer. You can’t avoid it. Even if you don’t quite know what or which transformation it is and you might not even know for […]
*+-Under today’s Full Moon in Libra, I’m thinking about the end of love. It’s a pretty literal reading of this Full Moon but it’s what I’m feeling. Full Moon is an ending and Libra is love and there is probably a relationship leaving your life. I can relate. And just […]
*+-Grief is like heat. These days, it feels to me like heat, and I feel like it crawls on little feet, up the neck, down the neck. I know what you’re thinking: it’s a hot flash, honey. But seriously. There’s a lot of grief these days, too much, and plenty […]
*+-I keep forgetting it’s Eclipse Season. I need to stop forgetting that. This is the time of year when we can blame *everything* on the eclipses, and I’ll let you know when we need to stop doing that, and maybe that time is never. So it’s almost 9pm and I’m […]
*+-First, a story: Some years ago, I had a friend who was schizophrenic, and she would go off her medication with some regularity and would wind up back in the hospital after violent behavior. She lived in a boarding house run by a kindly woman who took in all kind […]
*+-To HEAR this blog post instead of reading it I think I might be done talking about therapy. I’m not sure. You’ll find out soon enough. After ten months of very intense work with The Good Doctor, I’m kinda questioning the value of it (normal, I know) and what should […]