*+-If you’ve had a lot of trauma or disruption or crisis in your life and one day it subsides, one day you wake up and you feel confused. Now what? I have someone asking me this lately, a client. Now what? It wasn’t long after her husband died that she […]
Monthly Archives: November 2017
*+-Knowing who you are and what you want. BAM YOUR VALUES. What you want to GAIN. BAM Being certain. Being REAL. Integrity, authenticity. BAM!!!!! INNER KNOWING and not being ashamed of who you are and what you desire. Yes, my friends. Bam. 🙂 In case you were wondering what Saturn […]
*+-I promise I will write about this weekend. Probably tomorrow morning after my coffee 🙂 WHAT A WEEKEND IT IS!!!! In the meantime I want to tell you to name your path. This was something I told to a client today. Name the path. The one you are currently on. […]
*+-You’re totally on the edge of what hurts you, totally on the edge and you see at the edge of the edge that maybe just maybe that little light in the distance which could end all your misery. Wait. Stop. T hat’s impossible right? ALL MISERY CANNOT END but but […]
*+-I was waiting. I was waiting for love. I was waiting for money. VENUS RULES LOVE AND MONEY. I’m not gonna hide from you, hide behind some wall of I DO NOT WANT. Because I DO want. I want love. I want money. Just like you. Doesn’t mean I’m totally […]
*+-On the topic of doing more mediumship, not just when it shows up spontaneously, as it did the other day. Was actually “just” exchanging cards with a friend who is also a professional intuitive and… there he was: a dead person, a relative of her husband and… it was him. […]
*+-From some experiences we do not recover. Life hands them over like terrible hostages. Or maybe you are the hostage of the bad dream that came to life. I’ll tell you right now what to do about it: feel the feeling and let it go. Now what does this mean: […]
*+-Little moments can take you out of yourself, good OR bad. I had one of these today – was feeling fine and then I got a “little moment” and I felt out of my inner peace into something darker and Chiron. It was all Chiron. A Chiron moment. Here is […]
*+-Stupid people are getting on my nerves. If that offends you I’m not sorry. But this is an ASTROLOGY blog so let’s get to it! Let’s talk SAGITTARIUS SEASON. I have a story for you. But first let me remind you that THE SUN ENTERS SAGITTARIUS ON TUESDAY. This Tuesday. […]
*+-Recent blog posts You Are Not Required To Crush Your Enemies (New Moon in Scorpio) Sometimes You See Death (New Moon in Scorpio)Â No Consent (Mars square Pluto) I want to talk to you a little more about Mars as the co-ruler of Scorpio and this weekend’s New Moon in […]
*+-Both Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio. I tend to think PLUTO FIRST. Rise From The Ashes Moon. Exorcism Moon. Sex Moon. Death Moon. Sex and Death Moon. Pluto Pluto Pluto Pluto Pluto MOON! But: What does Mars want? Does Mars want? All the planets (planetary energies) WANT. What does Mars […]
*+-One of those mornings. Enjoying my coffee. Working. Email Readings, social media, the blog, to-do lists. The usual chatter of this self-employed life as an astrologer, card reader and all the other important stuff for which there are no words. Enjoying it too although tired. Was that a raccoon last […]
*+-I’m going to give you another warning about this week, okay? Okay! BUT FIRST a big thank you to astrologer Maria DiSimone who had me on her podcast yesterday! The show will be available on Friday and I’ll make sure to share it here and on my social media. Why […]
*+-I say this because of tomorrow’s Venus Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio. It’s a beautiful aspect (Venus Jupiter) but it’s in, well, Scorpio. Don’t get me wrong. Y’all know I love Scorpio. My mother, whose birthday is/was today, was a mega Scorpio. This energy is MY energy (Moon Pluto conjunction First […]
*+-Worst case scenario: This is what Chiron is, in the birthchart. This is what Chiron shows. The worst case scenario. This is what I found myself saying to a client the other day: that where Chiron is – in the birth chart – is that person’s WCS. She’s got a […]
*+-So this weekend is that Saturn Uranus trine the third one, the last one of the Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries trines and I’ve already written about this but let me say a few more words even if they are the same words! THESE QUESTIONS: What do you want […]
*+-I want to write about the INTENSITY of Scorpio Season with Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Scorpio THE INTENSITY and yesterday although I don’t want to go into detail just the words THE INTENSITY because that’s exactly what it was and it was… Rapid Interesting Passionate Juicy Spooky Painful […]
*+-Every sign and planetary energy has an ugly side. I’m always surprised when people are surprised that I talk about it. That I don’t always present signs and planets with halos. And that I have preferences and favorites. Of course I do. You do too – unless you are that […]
*+-In my last blog post I told you that your love life was about to get interesting and it’s still true. In fact, it’s even more true because now it’s here. Venus entered the sign of sexy charismatic intense Scorpio this morning. Who is this prediction true for? Everyone generally, […]
*+-A quick one: from my Facebook timeline: YOUR LOVE LIFE IS ABOUT TO GET VERY INTERESTING. I know you are gonna like this, SOME OF YOU are gonna LOVE this astrology so listen up: VENUS ENTERS SCORPIO next week, Tuesday. Many astrologers will say that Venus is “not happy” in Scorpio […]
*+-Since 2016 we have been dealing with this AWESOME: Saturn trine Uranus. The third and final pass is next week, November 11th.  Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries. Fire to fire. Why am I telling you about this when it’s almost over? Does it still matter? Well, I DO think there’s […]
*+-Mercury enters Sagittarius on Sunday and this matters extra because Mercury will go retrograde in this sign, at the very end of the sign, AND we will have THREE count ’em THREE Mercury Saturn conjunctions. THREE. Serious stuff. Serious mind. Serious Sagittarius house. YOU HAVE A DECISION TO MAKE. You […]
*+-One thing you can do with this Full Moon is release negative emotions. Start NOW. Moon is in Taurus as I type this. And what I mean by “release negative emotions” is: let them come to the surface let them bubble up, expose themselves, spread themselves all over the floor, […]
*+-I’m going to tell you what your Full Moon ritual should be. It needs to be life and death. It needs to be savage. EVERYTHING YOU FEAR YOU CANNOT WILL NOT HAVE. Are you in touch with that feeling? That feeling in particular? That particular rage? That particular cry? Are […]