You have to find something that forces you to focus. And you need a little bit of good advice. Just a little.
I prefer you *not* choose sex — as your focus —
unless you have someone you really like having sex with and there is a commitment there – healthy and loyal. But that’s my bias, I know.
I teach independence.
I mostly want you to choose something about YOU. For YOU. Something that isn’t dependent on anyone else’s body or emotions or choices but your own — for your dark night of the soul lantern.
This weekend surely is one. A Dark Night for many. I’ve been feeling it. FULL MOON in Gemini and a slew of other aspects, most of them involving NEPTUNE, but then there’s that Mars Uranus opposition so the sudden breaks and breakthroughs are, well, sudden. Jarring even.
Thus the instruction is to alternate deep REST with deep FOCUS. That’s your lantern and that’s how you light your way out of the Dark Night should you wish to Eight-of-Cups it out of there. Yes it’s a repeating card for me last 24 hours.
And then today I pulled the Strength card for advice (slow, patient, gentle) as I was on my way to the gym to work on my deadlift and squats!

About Friday (tomorrow):
Venus enters Sagittarius and the Mars Uranus opposition is exact. This is a lot of fire. YOU WILL BE ENTHUSED. This isn’t good or bad per se but it’s a lot of energy. THINKS TAROT SUIT OF WANDS. That fire.
For those of you who have been in a dark night of the soul slump, Friday could indeed be a blessing. IT WAKES YOU UP.
The problem here is control (or focus). You may feel angry. You may feel all over the place. Impatient! Aggravated. You may be trying to make peace but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Mars in Libra (cooperation!) tries to tame lone wolf/leave-me-alone Uranus in Aries. Mars in Libra says BE NICE to Uranus in Aries. Mars in Libra feels sorry for him/herself. Uranus DOES NOT CARE. And Mars in Libra does not like Uranus’ swashbuckling ways! So they fight! AND Venus wants to par-tay! She leaves secretive Scorpio for storytelling Sagittarius. MANY WILL HAVE A STORY TO TELL ABOUT TOMORROW.
Saturday: JUPITER TRINE NEPTUNE one of THE MOST spiritual aspects I think this aspect may be God him/herself
Sunday: MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE IN SAGITTARIUS and the Sun is square Neptune AND we have that Full Moon in Gemini which is also square Neptune!
NEPTUNE NEPTUNE NEPTUNE NEPTUNE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL and Mars Uranus and Venus into Sagittarius is your hammer to crush it like a walnut IF that’s what you want. Maybe you’ve cried enough and moped enough and you just need a hammer or a barbell on your back.
It’s December 2017. We made it.