*+-Let’s talk. Let’s just talk. I feel good. Saturn is no longer squaring my Ascendent YES!!! By the way, I am trying to blog more these days but you can also follow or friend me on Facebook. My personal page is where I am most active and most of my […]
Monthly Archives: August 2016
*+-Next week is a big one — Monday: Mercury conjoins Venus in Virgo and then Venus enters Libra Tuesday: Mercury goes retrograde (at 29 Virgo) Thursday and the purpose of this blog post: Solar Eclipse – New Moon in Virgo at 9 degrees Important to note this: Eclipse in Virgo/New […]
*+-Venus entering Libra this year is special. Why? I know you know! Because JUPITER enters Libra September 9th – while we are in high Virgo Season with the Sun in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo (Mercury goes rx on Tuesday) and the coming Eclipses on the 1st and 16th of […]
*+-I took an UNofficial hiatus – but I’m gonna try to be back. If you missed me, let me know. If you didn’t, carry on 🙂 * Time slows to a snail’s pace today as Mars squares Neptune. As Mars SATURN squares Neptune. Is this all you need to know? […]
*+-I’m not really sure why I haven’t been blogging but I haven’t been blogging. Been working, business as usual, doing readings, two classes, another one to start end of this month and I’m plenty alive on Facebook and Instagram but not much blogging. Saturn went direct today. That’s a big […]
*+-Jupiter enters LIBRA in September. Remember that Libra is a cardinal sign so the cardinal signs (Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn) will be even more in the spotlight again once Jupiter moves from Virgo to Libra. Also, Libra is part of the first opposition. Aries is the first sign. ME. ME […]
*+-What I’m obsessed with today – the Sagittarius Virgo square – That Mars is now in Sagittarius THANK GOD and we have planets in Virgo – Mercury – And the Moon will be in Virgo this week and Venus too and after Leo Season comes Virgo Season/Sun in Virgo And […]
*+-No one I know enjoyed yesterday — no one. And most of us blamed it on the “dark moon” — We had a New Moon in Leo yesterday which made a good aspect to Saturn the Wise One, Teacher, structure, karma, school of hard knocks behave yourself Saturn. Moon trine […]