You, Too, Are A Centaur (Chiron Retrograde June 27th)

Happy Monday, star flowers.

You are now walking backwards –
Chiron goes retrograde today –

what of your healing story?
What needs to be healed still?
Is healing possible?
What does your body tell you?
What bell is ringing?

What did you forget and must retrieve from the house where Chiron transits
AND your natal Chiron house.

What is there? Questions, questions…
What is there?

I am sitting in the front room of the house as I type this to you –
I rarely sit here. I really haven’t yet.
It’s been almost a month in this palace and not yet have I just sat here with my thoughts and my music and you –

but Chiron goes retrograde and there is space to fill…

When Chiron goes retrograde you do not become less of a beast.
You do not become less of a man (or woman).
You do not become less of a healer.
You do not become less healed.
When Chiron goes retrograde what happens? I’ll tell you what I think happens.

For you, too, are a centaur, even when Chiron goes retrograde.
You lose nothing.
You do not lose your bottom part.
You do not lose your top part.

You are still a beast. You remain a beast.
You are still a man. You remain a man.
Because you, too, are a centaur.
