So we had the book launch and party and it was kind of an out of body experience.
I’m used to having a book out. Or the idea that a book is coming out. It came in stages of course. First was getting the book contract itself. And the writing and the rewriting and the editing process and then came publicity and marketing and during that last stage was when I got a box of books in the mail.
THAT was the moment I think when it became real real. So last night was more about… let me have a little party and hopefully my favorite people will show AND THEY DID. Old and new friends. It didn’t feel strange. I chose not to do a reading from the book. I wanted to have mingling and eating and drinking although I did sign books and I felt glad we sold more than half of what the bookstore owners ordered!
A good friend created a gorgeous spread of food and drink, even champagne. Leo friend who brought actual pretty plates. It feels unreal and yet not. And I’m wondering now: what next. Still have more podcasts and publicity to do and the book will have whatever life it’s meant to have. Everything is different now. I have to catch up to the now-now.
And a friend said to me: how about today you just take the day off?
And that was when my refrigerator started to leak and I figured this was the moment to listen to Richard Linda Thompson obsessively.
Welcome to today’s void moon in Capricorn, my friends. Do nothing or do nothing at all. Your choice. Reflect. Don’t reflect. Sit there. Shove a towel under the fridge. Curse your earthly existence. Listen to more Richard and Linda Thompson. Feel grateful for the good stuff and happy surprises like a gift of gardenias left at the door.
A friend on Facebook talked about her lousy neighbors. She wants to move.
More advice for a void of course moon: make no sudden moves.
NOTHING is certain.
It’s just the motion.