*+-I see my Pluto so clearly now and I have a feeling it’s only going to get more clear, which scares me a little. It’s exciting too. To get to know oneself. It’s a deep process. Make no mistake. I used to think I knew my Pluto, could see my […]
Pluto in Aquarius
*+-You’ve really got to think about your life these days. Today I started to think about everything that happened in my life while Pluto was in Capricorn. Me and my friend Laura were sharing lists of major events. She had hard and “easy” aspects from Pluto too. My entire astrology […]
*+-Pluto comes to change you. Pluto comes to change us all. Listen, I’ve been through Pluto opposing my Sun, my Mercury, my Mars. I was born under a Moon Pluto conjunction (in my First House). You know what Pluto does? Pluto gives you depth you didn’t want. Now, the details […]
*+-Intense emotions! That’s what my astrologer said to me when he told me about my natal Moon Pluto conjunction so many years ago. He wasn’t wrong. I’ve lived a very long time without parents. I know a lot about a certain kind of life. (Moon conjunct Pluto = Pluto kills […]
*+-I have NO plans on quitting astrology or tarot or doing readings/consultations/tarot lessons/everything else that I do, mystically speaking. This came to mind this morning. I got a message. The message said keep focusing on astrology and focus MORE on it. And I know I’ve been hyper focused on my […]
*+-What is Pluto? Pluto will be changing signs, okay, but what is Pluto? What does Pluto symbolize? I’m sitting here, thinking, writing to you, wondering if I can sum up Pluto in a way that will satisfy me. If it satisfies me then it might satisfy you. And this won’t […]
*+-I feel a little speechless actually. I started studying astrology when Pluto was in Sagittarius. And now, flash forward, it’s ending its time in Capricorn. And I’m not going to go “in order” as if there were any order to go in, and I’m going to start with a personal […]
*+-Sometimes I don’t mind when clients/students cancel (ahead of time, that is). It lets me recreate my day. Today is cancellation day so it seems and my friend Christopher also cancelled coming to NYC (he’s not feeling well) but I’ve got an errand to run and lots of reading to […]
*+-I really don’t care about choosing my YouTube handle. I keep getting these emails. And I continue to resist the digital revolution (been resisting for a while now) and maybe it is career suicide and maybe it’s not, but I’ve been doing this work a long time now (over a […]