Hold Your Fire: Thoughts on Jupiter in Aries

I want to remember how to write. I used to write so freely. That’s what this blog was, all freedom and pain and desire. And astrology.

And, yes, I did delete years worth blog posts recently. Writing my two (published) books didn’t make me a better writer. I think they curtailed me (structures, deadlines, difficult experiences) even though the second book was all my own rules (well, mostly). And then in my third book, which I am seeking a home for, I tried to be free. And I sit here thinking, wondering, if my studies in psychoanalysis can bring that freedom back to me which sounds counterintuitive although just now I realized that it can work. It can be. In the author’s note to my second book, I mentioned returning to my literary roots during Saturn in Aquarius and that prediction or desire was/is true. I finished the third book. And… I want to start a fourth. And more.

To what due I owe this expansive feeling? The Sun is now in Capricorn which is my Fifth House which is  a creativity house and Mercury and Venus are there these days, also in Capricorn, and Jupiter is back in Aries and I think (never quite trusting 100%) that my analyst is remarkable (you have to have an analyst when you are training to be one) and I’ve started going to the city again. Life had not been the same since the pandemic started but I think I hadn’t realized just how much it affected my daily routines until I started bringing some of those old daily routines back, routines like prayer, meditation, short trips, my Neptunian third house.

So you might be feeling some expansion too with Jupiter in Aries, and I know people will say Capricorn is too many rules and putting out some of Jupiter’s fire but maybe think of it this way: that it’s containing the fire, holding the fire, which is what good analysis or therapy is and does.

Okay, y’all. I got to grab the potatoes off the stove. It’s dinner time. I’m thinking of you. I hope you have a beautiful night, wherever you are.

To be continued…