The Stars This Weekend: Moon In Aries & The Separation

So you may feel it this weekend. The separation. The Moon is in Aries. Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars rules separation. You may want to go it alone and I’m not sure if it’s the right thing or the wrong thing, but you may feel it. Me first. My needs. And it may shock you. If you are used to putting others first. This urge to go alone or be alone. I’m here to tell you it’s okay. Sometimes the stars call for that. Sometimes the stars call. The stars are calling. The Aries Moon is calling. Do you have a motorcycle? This is an Aries Moon motorcycle rider weekend. It can be done. Don’t let them tell you that it can’t.

Next week is busy, intense, including a New Moon  in Leo at 0 degrees so enjoy this vroom vroom lull while you can, and true it may not feel like a lull at all. And yet it is. Next week we are that much closer to the August eclipses.


"new moon in leo"
Florida is for Witches

Here is a link to my latest on Patheos Pagan 

And here is the link to my upcoming Tarot class in collaboration with the Sequential Artists Workshop that starts right after Labor Day (that’s early September). It’s unlike anything I’ve ever done so for those who may be thinking yeah but I already learned Tarot with Aliza, this is quite new. We are focusing on Tarot deck creation, including all the various questions and choices that may arise from wanting to do such an amazing thing. Exercises, videos, discussion prompts. Six weeks. We are still perfecting the home page/course description but here it is so far…

This weekend: 
Reading Bundles are $25 off