Mercury Uranus: Very Interesting News

"mercury oppose uranus"

I feel like I’m running behind – on the blog. Didn’t even realize until just now that the Sun enters Scorpio on Saturday.

Do you like Scorpio Season?

The Full Moon was difficult. The days following the Full Moon were difficult. I think I lost track. I also got some very good news. It was a wild week and I think finally today I’m settling down, settling in.

The signs are everywhere. Pay attention. You can find guides to help you and sometimes you do have to ask for help, not just wait for it to show up. Ask.

Right now we are under this Mercury Uranus opposition. It’s exact on Thursday. You can ask this transit to help you. Tomorrow also the Moon enters Cancer until Saturday afternoon. Sunday brings us a Jupiter Neptune inconjunct – Libra/Pisces – a spiritual transit in air and water.

And next week is the New Moon in Scorpio.

But let me back up a little.

Mercury Uranus can be unpredictable. Explosive even. Brilliant. Mind, thoughts, words, information. You may find yourself on Facebook a lot – as I have been today (with help from the chatty Gemini Moon). So I’m not saying this is bad, not at all. It’s creative, inventive, impulsive, but not grounded at all. A million ideas, words, thoughts and yet… maybe just enjoy the flow of it. There could be relationship talk (as I had today!). Mercury is in Libra. Interesting communications to say the least. A good day for psychic stuff (today, tomorrow).

I will talk about Scorpio Season in a separate blog post tomorrow.


-Tarot Group 
-Asteroid Group 
-No specials at this time on readings. Single sessions and bundles (for readings or teaching) are available. I may do Mini Moons for the Scorpio Moon next week though (15 min readings)