There’s A Whirlwind: Aries Season

There’s a whirlwind out there and I don’t know what it is or where it came from or if it’s your individual chart or in the collective sky or what, but there’s a whirlwind out there and maybe it’s the eclipses but they aren’t until April/May so let’s figure it out. Let’s try.

In Aries Season things move fast, but I don’t think that’s it and we just had a Full Moon in Virgo and I don’t think that’s it and the Jupiter Neptune conjunction is coming and I don’t think that’s it and OH the Venus Saturn conjunction is around the corner and that could be IT but that’s not usually a whirlwind vibe although it is cold if you are feeling a chill (as I am) maybe that’s it. IT’S ALL OF IT!

And then I think okay okay okay let’s throw in the upcoming Sun Chiron conjunction (which hurts but heals and actually it’s a Sun Mercury Chiron conjunction) and you can trust your instincts on this one and… yeah. The eclipses. Nothing moves as fast as the eclipses. And also thinking it’s not even the upcoming ones but the ones from the recent past in Gemini and Sagittarius and THAT is what is going on here.

I have a feeling you may be feeling a loss or at a loss so I figured I’d pull a few cards and take a look at what the hell might be happening:  even before I see a single card, my guides are telling me IT’S SPRING and a changing of the guard. It’s just spring. It’s just change. It’s nothing to be scared of, tumultuous though it may feel at times and it may feel very very VERY tumultuous indeed.

THREE OF WANDS. You’re waiting for the next thing. And then came the Two of Cups: UNION.  You will find solace. You will find friendship. You will.


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