Checking In/Stray Thoughts: Pisces Memories, Therapy, Coffee

Have you ever built something from nothing? I have. Over and over and over.

So I’m hard at work on the book the book the book, book number three. No agent yet, but I’ll get one and we’ll find it a home. AND THEN I CAN BE AT PEACE (yes I’m that person who screams about peace). And I hope I can convey (in the book) even a tiny tiny bit of the emotion/passion/desire it took to write it. I hope you feel this book. I hope you feel it. And honestly I have no expectation of success. I just have to write it. I am not the popular girl but I am the artist girl and I’m finishing my book. That’s it. I have no other reason for being *here* on this earth. Well, that and helping my people, my clients.

The new newsletter is here and it was this very topic. Sacred purpose. We all have one. Or two. Or three! And speaking of the sacred:

One of the last times I spoke to my ex-therapist, he was kinda coaching me, telling me that in essence I could guide or teach or train a new therapist. Break them in. He said: remember that time you told me xyz? You can tell them that. It made me think of sex. Teaching a new lover what you like, what you need.

It’s not quite how the human heart works though. We aren’t machines. You can’t just replace people. They’re not interchangeable. And over the last few weeks I have spoken to potential therapist after potential therapist and there’s one that I wish I had said yes to. Maaaaaaybe. I took too long to get back to him and the space in his schedule filled up. Or he realized my scissors were too sharp. Maybe both. If we were meant to work together we would have. I’ll tell you this though. And sometimes people ask me about finding a good therapist and what it takes. Here’s what I think: you have to have similar values. Agree on what is sacred. Some therapists believe the relationship REALLY matters and the relationship is sacred. And some don’t. And maybe you don’t. But that’s something you need to figure out. Where, exactly, is the work?

In other news, I’m sitting at my desk here with drinks. Water, coffee, and decaf coffee. I just ate my salty plantain chips. Just finished the short newsletter.  I’m planning my day. I’ve got to-do lists written out, but I’m also running the list through my head. It’s raining so no park walk this morning. I’m planning to write. I have an appointment with a spiritual woman. I’m also hoping to go to a Zoom meditation in the evening. The day is plain. No chives, no walnuts.

And the sky? It’s a rough week. It just is. Mars Chiron. Venus Saturn. It’s about as sweet and gentle as a razor. Yesterday I drew the Three of Cups for advice and I told you to dance. I haven’t danced yet this week but there’s still time.

Looking ahead to next week: the Sun enters Cancer and Venus enters Gemini. The week after, Neptune goes retrograde. Neptune in Pisces. Do you remember the Jupiter Neptune conjunction? Do you remember the Mars Neptune conjunction?  We had both of these over the spring. When Neptune goes retrograde, you may get a flashback, a reversal, or a renewal. Something that happened during the spring is gonna come back, in a new form perhaps. A replacement? A reenactment? An exorcism?

What I know is this: the world is changing so fast. Our consciousness is changing. The internet is eating our brains. And yet I’m still here, doing my thing. Sometimes I feel bad. I’m still doing THE SAME THING. It’s not flashy. It’s not a shiny Instagram Reel. And then I remember the relationship. I remember your soul. We’ve changed each other’s lives. You’ve trusted me to read the stars for you. I won’t ever take that for granted.

Alright, kids. Enough of this heart to heart. Let’s get to the next thing on the list.
