This Theme of Expect the Unexpected (Shine On Aquarius Season)

So you could experience another reversal, another last minute switcheroo, curveball.

Tomorrow, Mercury squares Uranus (and Venus enters Aquarius, joining the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto). That’s a lot of energy in one part of your chart.

But about Mercury square Uranus (and yes this is a genius aspect in a natal chart but not always practical – ha- and not always recognized/recognizable):

Uranus transits are some of the loudest and fastest. It doesn’t chip away. Uranus is the energy of shock, of fright. Fright (wrote Freud, and I’m paraphrasing) is what happens when we cannot adequately prepare for the blow, the shock, the injury, the trauma moment. We don’t, we can’t, plan in advance. Uranus never knocks. It’s always a surprise.

Potential counterpoint to potential disruption is Venus joining the Aquarius party. She softens things. She will dance for us although her steps and moves are distinctly Uranian i.e. a revolution. Something very different is coming to the Aquarius part of your chart and you might like it very much. You just have to tilt your head a little to one side and then to the other side. What do you see? You see the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Pluto AND Venus in your Aquarius House nearly all weekend long. The whole family is here.

Advice: King of Cups. All the Kings are calm but this guy’s got his emotions under wraps. You’re in charge. No capsizing here. I associate to a line from Plath’s The Moon and the Yew tree: I simply cannot see where there is to get to. And I’m thinking this is how you’re feeling. Unmoored, unanchored. And yet the King of Cups is anything but! He is simultaneously the sea and the container that holds it.

Keep in mind: we have an eclipse in March. We have an Eclipse in April. We have THE Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus in April (when it’s Taurus Season). If you think things are set in stone? Think again because they’re not. FYI.

People like to ask me for predictions. I’m more right than I’m wrong. Not 100%, not perfect, but my track record is pretty good overall. But under a Uranian sky? We must reverse engineer those divinations. Can it be done? I think so, but we must maneuver just so. The machine has more strings and keys at such times.

To be continued xo

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