
Working with Aliza is always deeply rewarding and helpful to me.

She’s accepting and easy to connect with; I feel like I can tell her anything–even the “dark” or hard stuff–and she remains unflappable.

No matter what frame my (Gemini) mind is in, she syncs with me and helps me focus, even when I feel like I’m scattered all over the place.

I’m fascinated by the way she works with her various gifts–she always knows which one(s) to bring forth and just how to mix them for maximum effectiveness.

And I love the patient, articulate way she expresses her remarkable insights.
Even if it’s not always what I *want* to hear, I can accept it from her because I know it’s delivered in love, conviction and honesty–and I’m the better for knowing it.

I’ve also always been impressed by her versatility when it comes to how she uses her personal attributes on my behalf: nurturing, pragmatic, humorous, gentle, tough–whatever is needed in the moment.

Time after time, especially over this past year, she’s generously and compassionately shared her gifts with me, and she’s always been spot on. I wouldn’t have navigated this difficult time nearly as well without her guidance and support.

Whatever you call her–Tarot reader, astrologer, psychic/intuitive, coach–to me, she is a modern-day Shaman who has a wealth of skills, knowledge and tools at her disposal. She has my utmost trust and respect, both personally and professionally.

Thank you xoxo

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