-+*In my last blog post I told you that your love life was about to get interesting and it’s still true. In fact, it’s even more true because now it’s here. Venus entered the sign of sexy charismatic intense Scorpio this morning. Who is this prediction true for? Everyone generally, […]
-+*A quick one: from my Facebook timeline: YOUR LOVE LIFE IS ABOUT TO GET VERY INTERESTING. I know you are gonna like this, SOME OF YOU are gonna LOVE this astrology so listen up: VENUS ENTERS SCORPIO next week, Tuesday. Many astrologers will say that Venus is “not happy” in Scorpio […]
-+*Mercury enters Sagittarius on Sunday and this matters extra because Mercury will go retrograde in this sign, at the very end of the sign, AND we will have THREE count ’em THREE Mercury Saturn conjunctions. THREE. Serious stuff. Serious mind. Serious Sagittarius house. YOU HAVE A DECISION TO MAKE. You […]
-+*Link links links links links! Then we’ll talk about what we need to talk about: Link to THE BOOK (yes I’m in the catalog already) Link to the NEWSLETTER. Please subscribe if you haven’t already FULL MOON IN TAURUS NEWS this week Facebook! I want to talk a little more about […]
-+*And then THIS happened. My book is coming out June 2018. Didn’t even realize it was in the catalog already but it is. Look here, my friends. May 2018. This is when Uranus will finally leave Aries and enter TAURUS! Uranus spends about seven years in a sign so this […]
-+*So this is happening. I’m in the catalog. Click on this link to see! Thoughts on the Saturn Chiron square NEXT WEEK: Hard aspects as GRIDLOCK is on my mind as I look at next week’s sky, especially the Saturn Chiron square, gridlock in that part of your chart, […]
-+*1 Be courageous. Do something BRAVE. Do something you’re afraid to do. Can you think of just one thing? Don’t compare it to anyone else’s thing. The astrology? Mars rules Scorpio, along with Pluto, and Mars is brave. Mars runs into the fire. 2 Tell a story. I was talking […]
-+*Let’s talk upcoming transits. Transits are where the planets are now and how they affect us. You may think I don’t want to waste my time in this Neptune sea, but I recommend you waste your time in this Neptune sea. You want to be psychic? Want to “improve your intuition?” […]
-+*Sagittarius is the storyteller. They don’t stop talking. And I don’t mean this in a mean or critical way. I’ve always had Sagittarius in my life, especially women. I love them. My favorite priest is a Sagittarius. Even the friendly and fierce manager of my favorite coffee shop is a […]
-+*I can’t believe it. I’m in shock. And I know I’m going to be blogging about this for a while to come. Saturn square my Moon DONE. Not out of my Fourth House yet but Saturn square Moon DONE. AND PLUTO OPPOSING MY SUN IS DONE. And I first had […]
-+*This is what I posted on my Instagram this morning about my upcoming Tarot class.: I may just draw the Hanged Man over and over when I create my Tarot deck. 72 Hanged Man. Already I’m starting to think visually. And I’m the kind of person who will say: I […]
-+*I don’t know why you haven’t found love yet, and yes it does concern me. You aren’t the only one I talk to who hasn’t found love. I don’t mean to make you sound un-special because you are special. You are unique. I just mean you aren’t alone in this. […]
-+* In my current class, I’m starting to talk about Getting Unstuck (which is the name of a series of Pema Chodron talks so I started listening again) and asked them to draw cards for themselves: Are they stuck? Actually stuck? The cards will say yes or no and HOW […]
-+*It’s only through relationship that we find out who we are and where we’re at — at any given moment. I have a new post on Patheos Pagan that speaks to this somewhat. It’s about Leo Season coming up and also a reminder about the Eclipses this August. Yes, they are […]
-+*I’ll tell you how astrology works and how life works. The transits, where the planets are now and how they affect us, will prod us, challenge us, inspire us… And if we are smart and somewhat conscious we notice this and sit with it and make some decisions about our […]
-+*Dear Friends, From my Facebook page as I was thinking about the Saturn/Uranus/North Node in Leo trine Early Sunday morning astrology: Perhaps it’s more obvious with fire than the other elements (water, earth, air) That they, and the fire, can also destroy, nature can destroy Thus these fire trines of […]
-+*Dear Friend, I don’t know if it’s your own personal individual transits or the sky itself but basically what you need is to be carried. I know this is true and I think I know you wish it weren’t true. That you could hold yourself up better. But you can’t, […]
-+* A little morsel from the class about the Venus Jupiter opposition this week: our two happy planets, two benefics facing off, WTF: Or to put it nicely 🙂 Venus starting a discussion with Jupiter retro in Libra (partnership) A RELATIONSHIP FROM THE PAST MAY RESURFACE someone wants to talk […]
-+*I had no plans to write today, none. Anyone who follows me on Facebook knows I had a difficult weekend (physically) but thank God I’m doing better, on the mend, and I was relaxing just now watching a video on YouTube and got inspired to come back to earth. One […]
-+*So I was asking on my Facebook which is worse for you? to feel hate or to feel sadness. I think for me sadness is far worse because it becomes attached, entrenched in all these feelings from the past very NEPTUNE whereas hate? Hmmm hate is pure I said. Hate […]
-+*TUESDAY SERMON I have this problem and I’ve probably had it my whole life: I put purpose and meaning and freedom over “survival.” My chakras are screwed up 😉 We’re “supposed” to be ROOT CHAKRA first and foremost and best so that we have food on the table, solid foundation, […]
-+*This is from my Facebook – part of a series of informal posts on the Nodes entering Leo/Aquarius: Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Saturn as the (traditional) ruler of Aquarius and it’s been on my mind so much because the South Node leaves Pisces for Aquarius next week. […]
-+*I write for the broken people who feel they have no hope of being repaired but if you don’t fit that category, you can still read here, you can still visit. Maybe you have come to show us the way. Show us the way OUT of hope. Keep reading… Listen, […]
-+*It would be an understatement to say that I’m obsessed with the Nodes at the moment. That the Nodes are moving to Leo and Aquarius and that in my chart North Node in Leo = 12th House. Weird. And yet familiar. I have Venus there. Fire in a water house. […]