BUT THE HOUSE IS BURNING: Eclipse This Weekend + The Mars Saturn Square

"sun square Uranus"
Before we get into the news of the day: 

Read me on The Numinous – about MoonPluto people!
I was a guest on the Fat Feminist Witch podcast. Link to come!
Follow me on Twitter and for sure you won’t miss it. 
Possibly a new article on another big site – info soon.

So today is that day I was screaming about all over my social media this past week and now I see what the Sun Uranus square was all about: NERVES. Anxiety. High high high high high anxiety. AND a Mercury Pluto conjunction which feels more like paranoia than depth to me today and this fluttery scattered Gemini Moon and it’s a recipe for… 

WE NEED GROUNDING. We need to feel rooted. We need to feel our feet so we don’t slip away into worst case scenarios. I drew the Star for myself and I think this fits for us all. Keep eyes on future prize while we root. We won’t always feel this torn apart. Star card says: have a little faith.

How to get this grounding? I’m going to go for a walk today after clients. The key is to get back in the body not floating around on a cloud. 

And then this weekend of course – Saturday/Sunday depending on your time zone – we have the Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo at zero degrees. And it features an ugly Mars Saturn square:

You feel stuck. Mars wants to GO.
Mars says: THERE’S A FIRE.
Saturn says: wait. Make a plan.
Saturn crosses his arms and won’t let.
So you sit there and you burn.

Will the eclipse bring a breakthrough? A solution? A resolution? YES.

You feeling this? 