*+-New Moon in Libra at 8 degrees — this Friday. Mars entered Capricorn this morning. It’s Tuesday as I write this. Pluto went direct yesterday. Virgo Moon Wednesday and Thursday. Work work work work. This is a WORK sky. New Moon aspects in addition to the usual (a Sun Moon […]
Monthly Archives: September 2016
*+- From my Facebook today: We must not believe that because it hasn’t happened yet that it will never happen. Health. Happiness. Success. Money. Whatever the need is. Love. Don’t accept that if you have struggled your entire life that it will remain so. My life continually surprises me and […]
*+- Announcements: Friday, Saturday, Sunday I am doing Mini-Moon Readings. Tarot (not astrology). $25 Celtic Cross (about 15 – 20 min) OR 15 minute back and forth (no specific spread) Facebook Messenger or Gmail Gchat. New group started today and it’s a Tarot party 🙂 if you want to join […]
*+-Okay so this is NOT a new discovery of mine and perhaps not a new discovery of yours – but it is something I am currently experiencing. I wrote poems about this as an undergrad – spiritual longing. That was one way it found a voice. Poems. And then at […]
*+-I need to write about my spiritual life somewhat. I want to write my spiritual autobiography and I don’t want to write it here. I’m also working on a couple of other writing projects so — I can’t yet. But in the meantime I need to write some about it […]
*+-Thank you for your patience my beautiful friends. Let us talk about the week ahead even though it’s Monday as I write. And stay tuned for the blog post after this one which will have more details about the Tarot group that begins on Thursday. * Something I posted on […]
*+- Been blogging nearly every day lately but I think I missed a day yesterday. And I keep seeing the same butterfly. Unless it’s various versions of the same. What are you feeling today? Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces. Are you various versions of the same? Or are you changed? […]
*+- This is an anniversary of sorts for me. But, first, a digression: I have nothing (very little) to hide. What you see is what you get. No hidden mess here. No secret addiction, no secret life. This is me. So last year around this this time I got involved […]
*+-Faith takes work. Faith is a practice. I’m not sure anyone ever perfects it. We all have moments of doubt. And this, I think, is good news. I know, I know, Jupiter is not in Virgo anymore and for that I am grateful. Jupiter expands  our alone-ness. Virgo the Virgin, […]
*+-If you are interested in joining one of my chatrooms, please message me at moonpluto@gmail.com. I’ll give you the details. * Jupiter expands what it touches. We are taught this thing one in astrology school. It may be the first thing I ever learned about Jupiter. And for those of […]
*+-Basically you should learn to be nice. Nicer. Nicer than you have been. I experienced this today. I got the reminder. I tend to get this reminder even though Jupiter in Libra is my natal placement it squares my Cancer stellium especially my Mercury MARS conjunction so my nice can […]
*+-Redemption comes. I know this more than anymore. Or, I should say, as much as anyone who has survived hard transits to the Ascendent and/or Sun from all the outer planets at the same time. Major aspects. Squares and oppositions. Hard transits. See, I know what it is to have […]
*+-There is this fear that some of us have, that as soon as something good happens, that we’ll lose it, that it will be taken away. This feeling will dominate our lives LESS now that the Saturn Neptune square is DONE. That’s the first good news. The second good news […]
*+-I’m sorry for the delay in posting recent comments. They went to my SPAM and I hadn’t been checking my spam. I think I got them all posted but am still digging back to see. So Jupiter is now in Libra and I was reading something interesting last night about […]
*+-There’s all this change going on and we are being asked to NOT hold onto the past. The past had its virtues yes. The past got us HERE but something else, something *better* is being asked of us now. It’s a call. It’s a calling. But you have to get […]
*+-So tomorrow we have an exact Venus Saturn sextile. Sextiles, we are told, are good, like trines are good and blackberries are good– but that they require a little bit of work, elbow grease for best result. That trines bestow grace. Voila! We take trines for granted, most likely not […]
*+-I was not feeling well this morning so I slept and slept and slept. I postponed my clients. Now I’m up and I wanted to come here and write a little to you. So much happening this week sky-wise. I want to summarize. It’s a STRONG week. Strong. Are you […]
*+-I’m not going to write one big Jupiter in Libra blog post. I’m going to keep talking about Jupiter in Libra — all year long. Jupiter leaves Virgo and enters Libra September 9th MERE DAYS FROM NOW — and shall remain there until October 2017, a little more than a […]
*+-Maybe the rain is always a baptism although I feel inadequate to use this metaphor although perhaps I should not. We all use metaphors, use language, that we have not experienced. Astrologers who write about astrology, such as myself, we have not experienced ALL the transits. And there are some […]
*+-The body of work is the LIFE itself. That is the body of work. I am a writer. Always was. Poet, playwright, blogger. But the body of work is more than poems written, poems published, plays produced, revised, other writing… The body of work is the life. That’s how I […]
*+-There’s a storm coming where I live. Went out this morning to procure supplies and now I’m waiting, doing some writing and on the social media. How are YOU? Hard to believe that it’s September 1st. WE MADE IT. We made it through the grueling summer (in my hemisphere). Grueling […]